Gray Academy: Special Accelerated Course! Public Speaking & Presenting Virtually (Self-Study)

By popular demand – we are pleased to bring you a special one-hour accelerated version of the Public Speaking & Presenting Virtually course!

Virtual settings have become the new normal in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Everything from staff one-on-ones to department meetings, firm trainings, client presentations, prospect discovery meetings, proposal presentations, and speaking engagements are now taking place via video conference, webinar, or phone.

While statistics show that 75% of the population is afraid of public speaking,  and virtual settings can introduce additional fears and challenges, there are ways to break down these barriers so they don’t hold you back in your career.  This session will arm attendees with tips, tricks and best practices for public speaking and how to overcome challenges of presenting in a virtual setting.

You’ll have the opportunity to put what you learn into action, helping you gain confidence and prepare you for execution.  Note:  This beginner session will provide attendees with theories and concepts for success.  It is not the typical instruction of what to say, how to stand, refraining from filler words, etc.

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